What is a Horse Race?
A horse race is a competitive running of horses, usually on a flat surface such as a dirt or grass track. The winner is determined by a number of factors, including speed and finishing position, and in some races, handicapping is used. In a handicap race, the racing secretaries assign each horse weight based on their past performance. Good horses are given more weight than weaker ones. The weights help level the playing field and encourage maximum effort from all horses.
In early races, bets were private wagers between individuals. Then came bookmaking, where a professional bet acceptor sets the odds so that a certain percentage of bettors win, place or show. In the 19th century, betting was further democratized as the popularity of the sport increased. The races became more formal and spectators began to buy tickets to watch the races on television and at the track. In recent years, new technological advances have helped make the sport safer and more enjoyable for fans and horses. Thermal imaging cameras and MRI scanners can pick up a range of minor and serious health problems, while 3D printing is now capable of making casts, splints, and prosthetics for injured or sick horses.
While the affluent enjoy betting seats and mint juleps in the grandstand, the majority of people attend a horse race to socialize with friends or strangers, and take in the splendor of the beautiful animals. Some come to bet and win a few bucks, while others hope to see a longshot make it big. In the old days, bettors cheered a horse by its number, but Seabiscuit had such a charismatic presence that many of his fans rooted for him by name.
Behind the romanticized facade of Thoroughbred horse racing is a world of injuries, drug abuse, gruesome breakdowns, and slaughter. Animal rights group PETA has uncovered horrific training practices, drug use, and transport of young horses for slaughter in foreign slaughterhouses. And while the sport has improved in some areas, it continues to lose fans and revenue and is struggling for survival.
The sport’s greatest names have dominated the headlines, but there are many lesser known horses and trainers who deserve a chance to shine. Many of these underdogs are able to break through the glass ceiling to become champions and earn millions in prize money, proving that a horse with heart and soul can beat one with more flash.
When journalists covering elections focus mainly on who’s winning and losing, rather than on policy issues—what is sometimes called horse race coverage—voters, candidates and the news industry suffer, according to research. A new study examines the issue by analyzing newspaper articles about governor and U.S. Senate races between 2004 and 2008. Researchers found that corporate-owned newspapers were more likely to write such stories. The study also found that such coverage was most common in close races and in the weeks leading up to Election Day.