Dominoes are a traditional game that involves laying down rectangular tiles on the table, then knocking them over. The game is very simple to play but can become complex with rules and strategy.
Domino Effect
The domino effect is a metaphor that describes the way one action or idea can cause another to follow. It is often used in the context of political scenarios, but can be applied to any situation where a cascade of events begins because of the first precipitating event.
A person’s success depends on how much they can create momentum and maintain it throughout their life. If you are trying to develop a new habit, the best way to use the domino effect is to start small and work your way up to larger goals.
To start, find one activity you’re really excited about and put in the time to practice it. When you do this, you are creating a positive domino chain that will automatically knock over other things you’d like to try in your life.
This is a very powerful concept because it shows us how focusing on one habit can help us develop other habits. In fact, Ivy Lee, author of The Power of Habit, says that if you can develop one good habit, it’s likely that many other better ones will follow.
In addition, the domino effect can be a helpful metaphor for personal success as well. Whether you are trying to improve your health, learn a new language, or get more involved with your community, the domino effect can help you determine what is most important to focus on and keep it at the forefront of your mind.
A great place to begin is your own home, and with a few easy tips you can set yourself up for success.
1. Know the Rules of the Game
There are a variety of different games that can be played using dominoes. The most basic, called block-and-draw, is the most common in Western countries. It is a two-to-four player game, with players drawing dominoes from the stock.
2. During the drawing phase, each player must select an available domino that has matching values (pips) to the last one they played. If they don’t have a domino that matches, they must pick a sleeping domino and continue to draw until they have a matching piece.
3. If a domino is matched, the second player must choose a matching domino from their own boneyard and then play that piece on their turn.
4. If the domino cannot be played, the second player must pick a sleeping domino and continue choosing until they have a domino that can be played on their turn.
5. If a domino is matched, but the other side is blank, it can be matched with either side of the blank tile. In some games, the blank side is a “wild” side, meaning you can ascribe any value to it that you want.