How to Use a Split Bet in a Winning Strategy


There are several basic rules for blackjack, including the proper way to play Insurance bets, the Top 3 wager, and splitting. In addition, learn how to play the game by following our betting strategies. In this article, we’ll cover how to use a split bet in a winning strategy. If you’re new to the game of blackjack, read on! These tips will help you win more often! But first, let’s learn what is Insurance bets, so you’ll understand what these terms mean.

Insurance bets

If you want to avoid the risk of losing money, you should never make insurance bets on blackjack. The odds of hitting a blackjack are fairly high if the dealer has an ace, but an insurance bet is only viable if the dealer has a high hand besides an ace. The insurance bet requires half of your original wager and pays 2 to 1 even if the dealer doesn’t have blackjack.

Top 3 wager

The Top 3 side bet is used with the 21+3 bet. In this variant of blackjack, the player’s initial two cards are combined with the dealer’s up card to form a three-card poker hand. A player wins the Top 3 wager if the three cards together form Three of a Kind (suited), Straight Flush, or Three of a Kind. This side bet is available in Playtech’s All Bets Blackjack table.

Double down

When should you double down on blackjack? Typically, the best time to double down is if you have a hand that is 11 or higher. This way, you’re much more likely to get an edge over the dealer. But there are other situations in which you shouldn’t double down. Let’s explore those situations in a bit more detail. Listed below are some examples of when it is a good idea to double down on blackjack.


If you have a pair of cards and are looking to double your profits, consider splitting your hand. In blackjack, you can split a pair in two different ways if the dealer has a strong upcard. In this scenario, you can still make a winning hand when the dealer busts. However, it is important to understand the proper hand gestures so you can avoid confusion. Incorrect hand gestures can cost you future losses.

Early surrender

Early surrender in blackjack is a strategy in blackjack that allows players to give up half of their wager before the dealer checks for blackjack. Early surrender is very useful in blackjack games where strong starting cards are likely to be dealt to the dealer. When used correctly, early surrender in blackjack can result in a large win and can prevent players from losing half of their bets. It also demonstrates maturity and foresight, as it allows players to walk away with half of their wager.

Table minimum

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games, and its minimum bet is just 50 cents. You can also bet as much as $500 on the most popular variant of the game. The table minimum varies, but a good rule of thumb is 50 cents. This is because the minimum bet size is the same as that of many other casino games. But it’s important to note that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to play this game – the cheapest table is available at live blackjack tables. The objective of blackjack is to beat the dealer’s hand.

Maximum bet

The maximum bet on blackjack is a limit that determines how much you can wager on the game. Most blackjack tables have a minimum and maximum bet. A player can place a bet for as little as $10 or as much as $1000. Limits on blackjack bets protect the casinos from excessive losses, and are a part of the Martingale System. In order to avoid losing too much money at one time, players should always play within these limits.